Blog Marco Varni

History of the Marco Varni brand

Markos Varnis was born on January 25, 1950, in the city of Kastoria in northwest Greece.

The city derives its name from the ancient Greek word "κάστορας," meaning "beaver," due to the abundance of beavers in Lake Kastoria. The primary economic sector of the city is the fur industry.

The MARCO VARNI empire did not pass from father to son as is customary. Marcus' father was a builder, so when Marcus was 14 years old, the Varnis family moved to Johannesburg, South Africa.

There, young Marcus began his apprenticeship and learned the art of fur craftsmanship. The atelier catered to elite Africans and the smoke of high titles. Each day, Marcus absorbed the techniques of tailoring and fur processing.

During the day, young Marcus worked, attended school in the evening, and also took care of his sisters, being the eldest brother in the family.

He returned to Kastoria at the age of 23 and independently started pursuing his passion. Many of his peers also entered the fur business.

He founded the factory in 1973, and within a year, there were over 100 employees due to his talent. The business grew, and the brand's products gained popularity.
In 1993, he opened a store in Thessaloniki, and in 1999, one in Katerini, eastern Greece.

Not stopping there, Marcus opened one of his most successful projects in 2004 - a store in Dubai. This store gained trust and love from customers worldwide, remaining one of the most popular.

In 2007, a massive store opened on the island of Rhodes, also capturing the attention of soft gold enthusiasts.

In 2009, Mr. Markos Varnis opened a new, vast factory in Kastoria with a trade and exhibition center covering an area of 10,000 sq. m.
MARCO VARNI's fur products are designed by the world's best designers and crafted from superior raw materials purchased at the world's largest auctions, such as American Legend (Blackglama), NAFA (Black Nafa), SOYUZPUSHNINA (Russian sable), Kopenhagen, and Saga.

The high-performance process, facilitated by advanced technology, the high skill of experienced workers, and strict quality control by Mr. Markos Varnis throughout the production process (from model and material selection to displaying the finished product in the store) - all of this has been a guarantee of excellent taste, high quality, and industry knowledge for over 50 years on the global market.
In the photo, the blue spruce was brought from Scandinavia in 1973 and planted at the moment of the factory's foundation.
2024-02-12 14:07